Let's catch up...
We're now living in Dallas, TX after moving from Portland to Houston. Lasted less than a year in Houston before we decided to move up here to get the ball rolling. Amy needs to go back to graduate school and UTA is the only school in Texas that has an accredited Urban Planning program and isn't located in an obnoxious city. (Yes, I'm talking about Austin.)
We figured that we might as well move with a new WFM opening in Dallas. It meant better odds for both of us to be able to land a job as opposed to waiting for the off chance that jobs that we wanted would magically post at the same exact time in the same exact city.
So far...and to my loves in Houston, please don't judge me for what I'm about to type.....we actually like living in Dallas. I know, I know....I winced just typing it. But seriously, it's been great so far. Our neighborhood is extra cute, our apartment is decent enough for something that we found in less than 3 days on Craigslist while still living in Houston, the city actually has a decent public transportation system, and we are saving enough money on rent that we can actually afford cable/internet. OH, and we got a kitten!!! She's the cutest, tiniest little kitten ever and she's god awful.
Doesn't she just look like a trouble maker? Hah!
In other news, Amy and I are going to the Musink Tattoo festival this weekend. Mr. Tracy Lambright will be *hopefully* finishing my gramps' anchor on my forearm and will then be moving onto Amy's arm. She's going to get a gypsy lady, half beautiful/half dead with straight blades underneath and "mind is a razorblade". Super excited to spend too much money. =]
I've had one session of color since this but I'll take better pics after I sit for Tracy tomorrow.
Alright...on to more cable watching.
Here's an image to make Amy smile: